
This TikTok update will turn your business around

Is it even possible to convert TikTok traffic to sales without loosing algorithm momentum? 

The answer is Yes!

Smart business owners have already caught up with the wave.

Now, it is your time to join them.

And it doesn’t matter if you have prior experience or not.

These people are everywhere on your fyp gaining crazy traffic and customers.

You think they are lucky. But it’s not a matter of luck.

You have to trick the algorithm into favoring you every single time you post.

Just look at the people below 👇

They initially had no clue about how the TikTok algorithm works,

but they decided to study it and now they are making bag.

He’s a real estate agent who is using TikTok get quality clients


He’s a dropshipper who is getting massive sales from free TikTok traffic

Studentpreneur makes 210k at the beginning of the month without spending on Ads.

They are enjoying free traffic from TikTok to grow their businesses.

Fadipe gets an 850k deal in 3 days by using this strategy

Bolaji, a furniture guy got a 2.6M deal from TikTok

The automation process is working perfectly for Mohamed

These are just regular people but they are making bags already.

And these are just a few examples.

You’re probably wondering how it works.

So, here’s the breakdown:

Within the next 2 minutes, I’ll break down the process of TikTok marketing.

So, you’ll never have to spend a dime on Ads again.

Today, I’m showing you the case study of one of my students who made 9.2 million Naira from social media in 2023,

without spending a single penny on Ads.

So, you can also copy the same strategy and apply it to your business.

But before I show you the full process, let me explain something to you.

Running Ads on Facebook is good.

In fact, I highly recommend.

But the only thing is that you MUST ALWAYS run ads if you want to keep making money.

The day you stop running ads is the day you stop making sales.

You also need to pump a lot of money into running ads if you want to get significant results.

That’s why brands now focus on building an organic following/community on social media.

So that sales will keep coming without them running any ads.


1, What if you are a small business owner who doesn’t know how to run ads like a Pro?

2. What if you also don’t have plenty money to spend on Ads?

3. And what if you don’t have money to pay an Ads expert?

Sounds like a setback, right?

But don’t worry.

That’s where organic social media marketing comes into play.

Where you’ll never have to spend money on Ads, but you’ll get massive sales.

Sounds good?

So, let’s get into it.


Firstly, the TikTok Algorithm is designed to give you A LOT of traffic.

Because there are millions of people scrolling that app at the same time and they are ready to interact and engage with your content.

It also doesn’t matter if you have 10 followers or 100 followers.

A lot of people think they need to have thousands of followers first.

Meanwhile, TikTok doesn’t care about all that.

If you play your cards well, you will get over 100k views on an account with just 500 followers.

Here’s a TikTok account with over 800k views with just 1,000+ followers

So, now that we understand that TikTok is ready to give us views, 

how do you convert these views to money, as a business person?

Let’s take this student of mine as an example.

My student (Azeezat) who imports bags and gadgets from China used the organic marketing strategy and she sold out her whole stock in 8 days.

How did she do it?

First, she opened a new TikTok account and optimized it for business.

After that, she posted a test video to warm up the account.

This gave her – her first 10 followers.

She avoided follow-for-follow trains,

Then she set up a TikTok content strategy.

And this strategy is exactly what many people lack on TikTok.

If you want to make it on TikTok, you must have a content strategy.

That will set you apart from other people who post randomly without a plan.

This TikTok content strategy is what she used to create the kind of videos that will be posted.

And also the days it will be posted.

So, when there was enough content to post for the next 10 days,

She activated the posting schedule.

And because of the way the content was curated,

she got over 5k views on her first content.

Then the next set of content followed.

As she was dropping content, the views on each video were increasing.

As the views increased, the likes, shares, and saves increased.

This signaled to the TikTok Algorithm that the content from her account was good.

So, the views on the videos went over the roof.

This virality led to her first set of sales from TikTok.

Once she hit 1,000 followers, she decided to automate the whole process by adding a link in bio.

So, this made it possible for her to make sales even without interacting with the customers.

At this point, she sold to customers who came via the comment section, in the DM and those who were directed to the offer outside TikTok.

In 8 days, she had gathered over 800k views across all her videos.

And this traffic was converted to sales and customers.

Since all products were sold out, she switched to pre-order sales.

She had to make a video to inform people about the new development. 

So, the new traffic wouldn’t be wasted.

This new traffic consisted of people outside Nigeria who were also interested in the products.

Now, let’s check out the results she got:

1., She gathered over 1 million views in 29 days.

2. The account also went from 0 to 27k followers in 30 days.

3. Finally, she made 1.5m in 9 days by automating the whole process.

And another 2.5M from the pre-order sales.

When she discovered that people outside Nigeria were interested, 

she quickly set up a payment platform that accepts payments across Africa.

And this brought in 5M in sales.

As you can see, the sales came in different currencies.

And this was possible because of the systems involved and the posting strategy used.

Imagine getting customers all around the world without spending a dime on Adverts.

And when we checked the analytics, 

most of the traffic came from Abeokuta where she’s based.

And cities like Ghana and Nairobi.

On the other hand,

everything used in this process is totally free.

And all was done via her mobile phone.


You can see that TikTok is like free money for those who know how to use it.

Unlike Facebook and Instagram,

you don’t need serious audience targeting. 

Neither do you need to spend heavily on Ads.

When you then combine the TikTok strategy with Instagram, 

you will make a shitload of money.

TikTok is ready to give you b*stard traffic if you are ready to use the right strategy.

However, there are more processes involved in this strategy, 

but I cannot explain everything on this page.

So, if you want the full step-by-step process of how it is done, irrespective of what you sell, 

you should join my TikTok marketing community.

That is where I show business owners how to dominate TikTok and make bastard money for themselves.

I have curated everything about TikTok and Instagram marketing into a video program called the Social Media Domination Blueprint.

This is where you’ll discover EVERYTHING about my strategies and how you can apply them to any business you are doing.

I’m also building a new community for a new set of business owners who want to make big revenue.

And you will get access to this brand new private community of winners once you get the program.

You might not know it…

But some of your big influencers and content creators are in my community using my strategy to grow.

Some social media coaches teach their students my strategies and charge a lot for it.

For example…

This is a very popular content coach on Instagram who uses my strategy.

Now you are probably wondering..

How much is this Social Media Domination Blueprint?

Well, the strategies and templates contained in this program have a value of over $3,500.

Because that is how much I charge to help brands set up their TikTok marketing strategy.

But I know you can’t afford to pay me $3,500 today.

Even $1,000 is probably on the high side too.

So, the price is pegged at $100 only.

You’ll agree that’s a fair price.

But I am not taking $100 from you today.


If you sign up for the Social Media Domination Blueprint TODAY,

You pay only $6.

That is; a one-time payment of $6 today and you get lifetime access instantly.

$6 is approximately N10,000

And when you divide N10,000 by 365 days.

That is 24 kobo per day.

Not even up to 1 Naira per day.

Which is less than what you spend on a bottle of Coke at the supermarket.


This is just a commitment fee to weed off unserious people from the program.

So, if you feel like $6 is too much to invest in actionable knowledge that will realistically make you thousands of dollars,

Then this is clearly not for you.

I’ll have to kindly ask you to pass on this opportunity.

But if you are someone who recognizes the importance of realistic strategies that will put you above every other seller in your industry,

Then this is for you.

And what will you learn in this TikTok Sales Secret Program?

You’ll discover the following:

  • How to dominate the social media space even if your industry is saturated.
  • How to grow your account with content.
  • How to create content without showing your face.
  • How to get your first 10,000 followers on TikTok.
  • My exact strategy for going viral every day.
  • How to convert TikTok traffic to paying customers.
  • How to brand yourself. So, customers choose you over other people.
  • How to create content that grabs attention.
  • How to optimize your social media accounts for virality.
  • How to combine TikTok traffic with Instagram.
  • How to automate your sales process and make sales while you sleep.
  • How to use AI to generate endless content ideas.

Apart from all these things you will discover, I’m giving you free access to my Social Media tools.

You will get my:

  • Content Ideas template
  • Content Tools & Structure 
  • 50 Video Hooks swipe file
  • TikTok Management Strategy
  •  Instagram Bible 
  • 400+ Instagram Captions 
  • Content Calendar Template

These things are my personal templates.

And I’m giving them to you for Free.

You can either learn this for your own business or charge business owners to set it up for them.

That’s not all.

You’ll also get extra Tutorials on how to use Canva, Capcut, and Instagram.

All these for $6 only.

Imagine you never paying for ads.

The choice is yours to make my friend.

You can either try to run ads with $9 and get no results.

Or invest the $6 into learning how to grow your business organically.


If you are choosing to invest in quality knowledge, click the link below to get started.


Q: After paying for this, do I have to pay for anything else?

A: No. You don’t have to pay for anything else. Or buy anything.

Q: I don’t have a laptop. Can all these be done on my phone?

A: Yes. Everything can be done on your smartphone (android & iOS).

Q: What is the format of the program?

A: It is a video program with supporting documents that contain strategies and templates you can copy.

Q: What businesses can this work for?

A: This strategy will work for any business.

Q: Will I get support after joining the program?

A: Yes. You’ll be added to the new community and participate in live sessions.